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Best Gyms in Paris with Day Pass Access
We guide you to the best gyms in Paris with easy day pass accessibility for travelers.
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Top 8 Gyms in Paris Offering Day Passes
New research shows that French capital received 19.9 million tourists in 2018, the second highest figure after Bangkok with 22.7 million.
Though fitness is a big thing in Paris, even with this number, gyms or salles de sport in Paris are somewhat difficult to access for a tourist, with most fitness centres only offering monthly or yearly subscriptions.
TrainAway understands this frustration and brings you the best centrally located fitness centres to train in Paris with a day pass or a free session.
If you are a fitness enthusiast and planning a trip to Paris, this list might save you time and money – as well as hours of needless frustration.
1. L’Usine
gym machine hall
cardio hall
massage bed
L’Usine is all about sports as well as the best gym facilities.This gym chain offers 3 centrally-located gyms in the heart of Paris with a variety of gym classes and group activities, including cycling, spa, cardio fit, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, lounge and towels. L’Usine has branches in Geneva and Brussels, making it a club that understands the needs of travelers. A day pass may be expensive, but it is a place worth trying.

Facilities: cycling,spa, cardio fit, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, lounge and towels
Day Pass Price: 50 Euro
Location: Multiple
1. L’Usine
L’Usine is all about sports as well as the best gym facilities.This gym chain offers 3 centrally-located gyms in the heart of Paris with a variety of gym classes and group activities, including cycling, spa, cardio fit, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, lounge and towels. L’Usine has branches in Geneva and Brussels, making it a club that understands the needs of travelers. A day pass may be expensive, but it is a place worth trying.
Day Pass Price: 50 Euro
2. Neoness Gyms
cardio hall
spinning hall
abs workout
Neoness is one of the biggest gym chains in Paris, offering 27 centrally located gyms all over Paris including Opera with a variety of gym classes and group activities, such as boxing, cardio fit, yoga, weight lifting, classes, locker. With a day pass price of 10 Euro, it’s the cheapest day pass option in Paris.

Facilities: boxing, cardio fit, yoga, weight, classes, shower
Day Pass Price: 10 Euro via TrainAway
Location: Multiple
2. Neoness Gyms
Neoness is one of the biggest gym chains in Paris, offering 27 centrally located gyms all over Paris including Opera with a variety of gym classes and group activities, such as boxing, cardio fit, yoga, weight lifting, classes, locker. With a day pass price of 10 Euro, it’s the cheapest day pass option in Paris.
Day Pass Price: 10 Euro via TrainAway
3. Le Quartier Sport
swimming hall
training area
squash hall
This large sports complex is located close to Square Paul-Langevin with flagship facilities like a large swimming pool and squash court. The squash court should be booked in advance and one session costs 17.30 Euro. However, the sports centre has limited facilities when it comes to weight training.

Facilities: swimming pool, squash, weight, shower, locker
Day Pass Price: 17.30 Euro
Location: 19 rue de Pontoise, 75005 Paris, France
3. Le Quartier Sport
This large sports complex is located close to Square Paul-Langevin with flagship facilities like a large swimming pool and squash court. The squash court should be booked in advance and one session costs 17.30 Euro. However, the sports centre has limited facilities when it comes to weight training.
Day Pass Price: 17.30 Euro
4. CMG Sports Club
cardio hall
weight training hall
swimming pool
Another big chain of gyms in Paris, offering 21 gyms located all over Paris including Opera Bastille, Issy, Saint-lazare. It also provides small group training coaching sessions. One of their clubs could easily be a perfect place for you, being located close to the city’s main tourist attractions.

Facilities: Cardio, classes, weightlifting, sauna, lockers, shower, hammam, zumba
Day Pass Price: 14 Euro
Location: Multiple
4. CMG Sports Club
Another big chain of gyms in Paris, offering 21 gyms located all over Paris including Opera Bastille, Issy, Saint-lazare. It also provides small group training coaching sessions. One of their clubs could easily be a perfect place for you, being located close to the city’s main tourist attractions.
Day Pass Price: 14 Euro
5. Basic Fit
lower body fitness
shoulder training
fitness hall
Basic fit offers what its name suggests: basic gym facilities all over France. This fitness chain is huge and spread throughout the country. Though not exclusive, it will see you covered if you are in Paris for a few days, especially as Basic Fit offer day passes. Group classes are with a virtual instructor. Meanwhile, they also offer ladies-only gyms.

Facilities: Cardio, weightlifting, classes, virtual classes, audio training, physiotherapy, shower, locker
Day Pass Price: 8.99 Euro
Location: Multiple
5. Basic Fit
Basic fit offers what its name suggests: basic gym facilities all over France. This fitness chain is huge and spread throughout the country. Though not exclusive, it will see you covered if you are in Paris for a few days, especially as Basic Fit offer day passes. Group classes are with a virtual instructor. Meanwhile, they also offer ladies-only gyms.
Day Pass Price: 8.99 Euro
6. Yoga Marias
room with window
hall with people
Established in 2001, Yoga Marais is one of the highly respected yoga centres in Paris located in the area of Haut Marais. Marais offers classes for everyone starting from children. They also offer teaching classes. Every session is an hour long.

Facilities: classes, Yoga, personal trainer
Day Pass Price: 20 Euro
Location: 72 rue du Vertbois, 75003 Paris
6. Yoga Marias
Established in 2001, Yoga Marais is one of the highly respected yoga centres in Paris located in the area of Haut Marais. Marais offers classes for everyone starting from children. They also offer teaching classes. Every session is an hour long.
Day Pass Price: 20 Euro
7. Health City Gym
gym hall
spinning hall
Another gym chain with 5 gyms on board dedicated to fitness and wellness. They are located at St Germain des Prés, Champs Elysées, La Motte Picquet, La Fontaine and Ternesclose. All locations are central and easily accessible via metro. There is no need to pre-book, you can buy a day pass at front desk. Healthy gyms provide all basic facilities of a gym and perfect for a day visit.

Facilities:Cardio, weightlifting, lessons, hamam, shower, locker, bootcamp,yoga
Day Pass Price: 30 Euro
Location: Multiple
7. Health City Gym
Another gym chain with 5 gyms on board dedicated to fitness and wellness. They are located at St Germain des Prés, Champs Elysées, La Motte Picquet, La Fontaine and Ternesclose. All locations are central and easily accessible via metro. There is no need to pre-book, you can buy a day pass at front desk. Healthy gyms provide all basic facilities of a gym and perfect for a day visit.
Day Pass Price: 30 Euro
8. 5 Jean De Beauvais Gym & Coaching Club
main door
5 gym & Coaching Club located in the heart of 5th district of Paris close Close to Maubert Mutualité metro station. It’s a friendly relaxed club with all gym facilities, with friendly customer service and high maintenance levels. All in all they are here to help you to keep your body fit and strong.

Facilities: cardio, weightlifting, sauna, steam room, shower, locker, instructors, pilates, yoga, TRX, circuit training, shadow boxing, classes
Day Pass Price: 47 Euro
Location: 5 rue Jean de Beauvais, 75005 Paris
8. 5 Jean De Beauvais Gym & Coaching Club
5 gym & Coaching Club located in the heart of 5th district of Paris close Close to Maubert Mutualité metro station. It’s a friendly relaxed club with all gym facilities, with friendly customer service and high maintenance levels. All in all they are here to help you to keep your body fit and strong.
Day Pass Price: 47 Euro

What is TrainAway?

TrainAway was created to make it easier for travelers to find and access gyms when they travel. Each day we help travelers worldwide buy day pass access to gyms directly from our platform. So far TrainAway is operating in 40 countries, 600 cities and more than 1300 partner gyms.

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